Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Blog Turns One // That One Time I Wore A Denim Shirt As A Dress

I haven't really been keeping up with the blog lately. Credits to my incompetent and lazy self. I'm just savoring this taste of complete freedom until I am chained to my desk again. Not really though- I left math. One good thing about the Indian education system is that they allow you to choose subjects according to your taste and interest once you come into the Eleventh grade. And this is the only part I like just by the way. Ha.

Happy One Year to Bling Struck. :) Blogging has taught me a lot. It has changed me so much! In a good way of course. I feel GOOD about myself. I am SURE of myself. I am even more CONFIDENT. Well, sometimes that confidence passes for cockiness, but who cares? I'd rather be sure and confident of my self than lag behind. It is better that way. I have also learned to accept my body just the way it is and work on it. I'm only 16, I have my whole life in front of me but they say if you start from scratch then it becomes a habit. Thus, I work hard on my body and mind. Anyway, THANK YOU for always listening to what I have to say. I just started and I hope I continue to do THIS. 

 Wearing: Denim shirt worn as a dress; red open tow sandals; assorted rings; Betty Johnson Black bag

The denim dress is actually my brother's shirt. I pinched it from his closet but he didn't really seem to mind. It is just perfect for the summers. The weather has been so good these past days. All I want to do is sit outside in the moonlight, listen to The Doors and just... chill, y'know. Or maybe read a book.
 The gorgeous rings are thrifted. Remember when I told you that I could totally run a marathon in these red suede sandals? Yes, THAT.

-Aishwarya :)


  1. Hey cutie! Love your shoes cos they are awesome. And Good idea with the denim shirt turned dress. Two thumbs up on this outfit, cos it's caz and chic!

    Love, Miffalicious. []

  2. your bong maid takes really nice that you hijacked your bro's shirt & styled it this way..i love rings too...they are the awesome-st

  3. love those heels! <3

  4. Nice outfit! Love your shoes! :)

  5. You usd your brother's shirt so well! I like and your rings..I might just steal them! And congrats on the new bong maid who happens to take good pictures!

  6. I love this outfit- especially those shoes!


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