Monday, July 29, 2013

Travel Diaries: Nainital

Wow hi, remember me? 
My absence from Bling Struck has been haunting me in my sleep. And I'm back! School obviously sucks and the only highlight of my day is morning football practice and hanging out wimma homies... that's all. It's my last year and my laziness is going to be the death of me. People around me are going batshit crazy because of how chilled out I am. I should take my last year very seriously if I want to get into the college of my dreams.. I know it. Sometimes, I laugh at my attitude towards.. er.. well, everything. I'm not having the time of my life at the moment.. I guess I'm not supposed to.

I can totally imagine ya'll laughing while reading this. S'okay. :] 

I recently escaped to the hills with my mum for a few days and had a splendid time. Here are some pictures-

  I hope you liked this post. :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Allen Solly Lookbook Feature

This has long been overdue. I was supposed to tell you guys the moment I got it but I was so excited that I forgot to do the most important thing in the world! 
Recently (lol), I was featured in Allen Solly's Colour Lab lookbook. Remember this post? I went around strutting the lookbook for a while because it was my first printed feature. I was the youngest one on it (hehe). But now that I am over that phase, I am ready to share it with you guys. Most of you would have already seen it, courtesy: my tweets. But... TA-DAAAA. :D 

 I hope you like these! Also, thank you so much for reading and commenting! Much appreciated. :)